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Selectmen's Minutes June 15, 1999
Selectmen’s Meeting of June 15, 1999

Present:  Chairman Daniel Webster, Charles Flynn, Peter Jones, Judy Murdoch, Catherine Kuchinski and Executive Secretary Joseph Nugent.

I.      Chairman Webster called the meeting to order at 7:05p.m.

II.     Flynn made a motion to move into Executive Session under items 3 Union and Contract Negotiations.

III.    The Board returned to open session at 8:30 p.m.:  Webster announced that the Board voted 5-0 to approve the Lieutenant’s Contract.

IV.     The Town Clerk Sandra Harris was present to swear in Lt. Edward Savage, Sgt. James Perron and Patrolman Kevin McCarthy.  Many family members were present. All thanked their families, Chief King, Lt. Willey and the Board of Selectmen for their promotions.  The Board of Selectmen thanked Chief King and Lt. Willey  for their work on the Assessment Centers and for such fine candidates.

V.      Tom Dahlberg Water Commissioner:  asked citizens of Hanson to conserve water this year.  There has been an extremely high use of water lately and we will need to conserve in order to avoid using Brockton’s Water which would impose tougher restrictions on the Hanson Residents.  

VI.     Robert Arsenault, Veteran’s Agent-  discussed with the Board his displeasure over the absence of a flag at the War Memorial on Memorial Day at the Indian Head School.  He also mentioned that he had gotten a call from Betty O’Sullivan, School Committee who informed him at 6:30 a.m. that he could not hold the parade start at the Indian Head School.  He hopes that the School Department will fly  the flag regardless of the construction.  Betty O’Sullivan joined the meeting to say that she called the Veteran’s Agent only to tell him there would be no flag.  

VII.    Vote Reappointments:  
Samuel Germaine- Building Inspector to expire 6/30/00- The Board discussed the Building Inspector Appointment at length.  Jones called about 20 applicants and found that most were satisfied with the Building Inspector.  Kuchinski believes nothing has changed, the panel report issued had situations that needed to be taken care of such as the Dias Letter.  Kuchinski was informed of the letter that was mailed by the Office regarding this situation letting him know that he needs a Certificate of Assembly.  Kuchinski was very concerned that the date on the letter was the 15th yet he received it on the 10th.    She was also concerned that she would like to know why the letter was sent.  Webster will get Town Counsel to look at the letter if she would like him to do so.  Kuchinski stated that her vote to reappoint the Building Inspector would be in the negative. Lila Coyle stated her concern over the certification/credits that the Inspector might need.  Webster will look into that situation.  Richard Edgehill- what class did he go to for the seminars to learn to deal with the public.  There were 2 day long seminars given by professional companies.
Kathy Marini- Is he keeping up with his certification courses? Webster will look into this.

Webster - believes that Mr. Germaine did not obtain his certification in a timely manner after the Board requested him to do so and he considers this insubordination.  Therefore he does not support his reappointment.  

Motion by Kuchinski to hold the appointment of Samuel Germaine for one week to verify information on his certification.  There was no second on the motion.  

Motion by Flynn to reappoint Samuel Germaine as the Building Inspector to Expire 6/30/00, second by Murdoch.  3-2 Vote (Kuchinski & Webster - Nay)

Samuel Germaine- ADA Coordinator to expire 6/30/00- Motion by Flynn, second by Murdoch 3-2 Vote.  (Kuchinski, Webster- Nay)

Scott Bizzozero- Gas Inspector to expire 6/30/00- Motion by Flynn, second by Murdoch-5-0 vote.
Scott Bizzozero-Plumbing Inspector to expire 6/30/00- Motion by Flynn, second by Murdoch. 5-0 Vote.

Barbara Gomez- Town Accountant to expire 6/30/02- Motion by Kuchinski, second by Jones.  5-0 Vote.

Earl Wilson- Labor Counsel to expire 6/30/00- Motion by Kuchinski, second by Flynn. 5-0 Vote.
Kopelman & Paige- Town Counsel to expire 6/30/00- Motion by Murdoch, second by Jones.  4-1 Vote (Kuchinski, nay).

Motion by Jones to appoint the following CD Services:
CD Radio Officer - Kenneth Garren to expire 6/30/00
CD Radiological Officer - Peter Huska, Fire Chief to expire 6/30/00
CD Rescue Officer- Peter Huska, Fire Chief to expire 6/30/00
CD Shelters Officer- August Silva to expire 6/30/00
CD Water Service Officer-Edward Reed, Water Superintendent to expire 6/30/00
Second by Flynn.  5-0 Vote.

Michael Nee- Conservation Commission to expire 6/30/02- Motion by Flynn, second by Murdoch.  5-0 Vote.  Kuchinski asked that he attend the certification courses.

Motion by Flynn to appoint Francis Curry- Council for Elder Affairs to expire 6/30/02 and
Vincent Sica- Council for Elder Affairs to expire 6/30/02, second by Kuchinski.  5-0 Vote.

Motion by Flynn to appoint the following:
Richard Powers - Cultural Council to expire 6/30/01
Kathy Fortin - Cultural Council to expire 6/30/01
Kathleen Ferrara- Cultural Council to expire 6/30/01
August Silva- Cultural Council to expire 6/30/01
Laura Richter-Cultural Council to expire 6/30/01
Second by Kuchinski.  5-0 Vote.

Flynn asked what this Committee is involved with and if they are active.  The Office will contact the Chairperson and report back to the Board.  Motion by Murdoch to appoint:
Disability Committee- David Mansfield to expire 6/30/02
Disability Committee- Mary Miller to expire 6/30/02
Second by Flynn.  4-0-1 (Kuchinski abstained)

Motion by Flynn to appoint:
Gordon Coyle- Drainage Committee to expire 6/30/00
Ernest Amado- Drainage Committee to expire 6/30/00
George Cirillo- Drainage Committee to expire 6/30/00
Robert Brown- Drainage Committee to expire 6/30/00
Brian Gaffey- Drainage Committee to expire 6/30/00
Catherine Kuchinski- Drainage Committee to expire 6/30/00
Richard Harris- Drainage Committee to expire 6/30/00
Second by Murdoch.  5-0 Vote.

Claire McDonald - Education Committee to expire 6/30/02- Motion by Flynn, second Kuchinski.  5-0 Vote

Motion by Flynn to appoint:
Peter Huska- Forest Warden to expire 6/30/00
Peter Huska- Hazardous Waste Coordinator 6/30/00
Second by Jones.  5-0 Vote

Motion by Murdoch to appoint:
William Scott Jr. - Historical Commission 6/30/01
Donald Teague- Historical Commission 6/30/01
Second by Jones.  5-0 Vote.

Bruce Young- Historical Commission 6/30/02- Motion by Kuchinski, second by Flynn. 5-0 Vote.

VIII.   Alan Hanscom of VHB Engineering was present to discuss the Agreement between the Town of Hanson and VHB for the work to be performed at the Plymouth County Hospital Site.

Hanscom reviewed how VHB will proceed:  
I.      Underground Storage Tank (UST) Issues will be dealt with
II.     Waste Disposal Issues
III.    Asbestos, Paint Etc.

VHB would investigate the UST areas by doing subsurface work around the tanks, looking for medical and hazardous waste and then looking inside the buildings.  The intent is to help define the cost.   

Some options for redevelopment:  Skating Rink, Senior Housing, Athletic Fields etc.  The Board may want to consider partnering with the County in order to have a better chance at some grant money.  

Lila Coyle from the audience asked what the time frame would be.  The Board answered that they are looking to the County for permission to work on the property.  Once that is established work can begin.

After some discussion the Board thanked Mr. Hanscom for his time.  

Executive Secretary’s Report:

Nugent asked the Board to announce that Hanson has only one Volunteer for Cable and we need some more volunteers.  The Board thanked Arlene for all of her support but asked that the Office send a letter to cable expressing the Selectmen’s dissatisfaction with not having a Program Director.  

Their will be a new date plaque mounted on the new Town Hall- The Board members should write something short and it will be placed on the back of the plaque.  

Webster announced:  Public Health Advisory regarding Fish at the Factory Pond- the pond is contaminated and the fish should not be eaten.

Webster announced:  The Town Hall will be closed Wednesday June 16, and Thursday June 17 for moving purposes.  

IX.      Motion to go into Executive Session by Flynn, second by Murdoch for #2 disciplinary hearing of Brian Snow on Sick Leave procedure.  Roll Call Vote:  Murdoch, aye; Kuchinski, aye; Jones, aye; Flynn, aye; Webster, aye.  5-0 Roll Call Vote.

X.      Adjournment:  Motion by Flynn to adjourn at 11:30 p.m., second by Murdoch.  5-0 Vote.